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If you are using the export function and want to create PDFs you might have the problems that some frames will not be printed or some PDF has issues.

When using Adobe Acrobat to print it seems that this is not a problem, somehow Adobe solves it. But if you are on a Mac and you use the Preview to open the PDF and print your PDF will not be printed correctly. Of course, I want to create PDF that can be printed by everyone no matter what device or program is being used.

Many have thought that the missing frames or images is due to the PDF using RGB colors and not CMYK and some of us have like me tried different plug-ins. But I would say it has probably nothing to do with that. I am not sure it’s a bug in Figma or a bug in the Mac OS X preview… but here is my advice to avoid the issues:

  1. if you have a frame with clipped content the image inside the frame might not be printed at all. Make sure to unclick the checkbox, sometimes if using SVG they could contain of multiple frames and clipped content more than once.

  2. if you are using gradients in your design this might make your whole PDF not be able to be printed at all. Change the color and use various opacities instead. Yes, this might change your design some, but it will be easier to print (if that is one of your targets).

So avoiding these two things will help you and let your PDFs be printable from more programs and devices. I hope this could save some time for you instead of seeking answers and being pissed off at your printer.

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