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Hi everyone, has anyone ever experienced this?

We’re on a project that required a few different libraries and typestyles sets attached to one working file.

We’ve done a lot of work but recently we’ve noticed that on designs we have wrapped up months ago, at random some type fields would be reassigned from one library to another. There’s no pattern to it, some random fields on random art boards just changed from the original style we applied to one from the other library.

Anyway, if anyone has any experience with this, we would love your insight!

Thanks again, and have a great day. 🙏

Hey @rtan, thank you for reaching out!

Are you seeing any error messages on your end?

Can you clear out the cache. Here are some information to troubleshoot: 1

Also please try to force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window (or force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it.)

If this does not resolve the issue, it would be helpful if you can provide us the following:

  1. Make a video demonstrating the issue to us

  2. Can you provide us a link to the file and add to this file as an editor. Note that users with emails on your team do not count towards your billing.

We’d also suggest checking over Manage missing fonts and Manage conflicting fonts in case the information there helps explain this problem.

Please let me know if you have any follow up questions and I’ll be happy to help!
