To zoom I like to hold z and just drag a square around where I want to go, rather than clicking a bunch of times. But it when I do this, it lands me too far to the right. There’s some calculation that’s off, and it doesn’t seem to happen in other programs. Anyone else have this issue? It’s only with the app. The web version seems to work fine.
Hey @Rolf_Wilkinson - can you drop a screen recording of this? I tried testing on my end, but I seem to zoom into where I select as I expect I would, so I’d like to see how this is appearing for you.
Sorry for the delay:
@ksn I forgot to @ mention you…
Ah! Sorry for the delay – I’m going to review and get back to you.
I may be extending the delay (it’s Figma’s Config time!), but I have a reminder set to get back to you.
Any luck repeating this? Ongoing for me.
@Rolf_Wilkinson I wasn’t able to replicate on a test file that I had, but I can see what you mean based on your recording.
I’m going to file a bug ticket to see if this can be looked at by engineering (I may not be able to replicate, but doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue I’m just not hitting).
I can’t guarantee when the response will be, though – in the meantime, can you try one thing for me? Just to cover all bases, can you see if clearing your app cache does anything?
Thanks, yes I cleared the cache and it didn’t do anything. I’m using the app, I’m on a MacBook Pro, using a secondary monitor.
Got it - thanks for trying.
I spoke to an engineer regarding this – we did some testing, and we couldn’t get this to replicate. Would you be able to provide a copy of the file in the video you showed this on originally? No worries if not, but we want to see if this is getting triggered by something in the file directly. It happens on all files when you use the app, correct?
A-ha! It would appear to be only in this file. Uh… don’t want to share this publicly though. Happy to share directly if you send me an email.
Just in case you didn’t see it already, I just followed up with you via DM 😊
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