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We ran into an issue building out a widget: duplicating it on the artboard does not seem to cause it to run a render cycle. The duplicated widget matches the original (including state data).

Our widget displays information based on the other instances of the same widget on the artboard (counts, etc.), so all of that information is inaccurate after duplication until a user interacts with one of the widget instances.

Are we missing a way to force a render cycle on duplication?

Would really appreciate any help you all have on this! Adding a new widget of the same type does run the render cycle, and hence can refresh the other widgets as the syncedState is actually changing/getting instantiated which drives the rendering. Is there any way to do same if the widget is duplicated: cut/copy paste, duplicate, option + drag. Note: do not want to clone the widget via the clone method provided by the API.

I have the same question.

I have the same issue.

This is an issue for our teams as well, and has pretty substantial downstream effects when the plugin data generated is high impact (and is completely missing without any way to notify the user theyve done something wrong)
