So for some context, I’m trying to prototype a scrollable overlay on a mobile design to replace a dropdown menu. From what I understood a scrollable overlay is not possible using the overlay prototype option.
To achieve that effect I duplicated my main frame and then fixed the whole content in the back, both frames have the same overlay components with different opacity and position to allow me to simulate the move in animation.
On my “Overlay Frame” I fixed a component that has 5 variants and to move from one variant to the other there is a drag interaction. The issue is that I can’t use the drag interaction when this component is fixed on the page.
Is there a conflict between the drag interaction of a component and the fixed position of that component within the page?
I don’t know if that makes sense, here is the link to the file: https://www.figma.com/design/KWIPZkqs4LIUtSEMXSf2PU/Decobec.com---bE-commerce]?node-id=95-2101
Thank you!