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I have a component that used to have multiple variants (component set), but I edited it, and now it holds only one variant in it. I am trying to remove the only variant property that was left there, but without any success. I guess it has to do something with the definition of the component, and I somehow need to change it back from a component set back to a regular component.

Help 🙏

you are my hero 10x!

My man!, you’re my hero!

I’ve been struggling for two weeks to remove all the properties from a component that went from having multiple variants to just one, and the trick of simply taking it out of the purple rectangle is a winner! Thank you!

Same here… idiotic AF… and the button is there, yet it doesn’t do ANYTHING, no information, no alert!

I don’t have variants, just 1 element, want to remove 1 and only property that was used here…

Yeah but then it’s no longer a component?

EDIT: OMG it doesn’t …it still is a component and it works.

I must say this is idiotic!

BTW it loses the border and doesn’t look like a component anymore, is there a way to bring it back somehow without styling it manually?

This wasn’t a solution for me. I am just duplicating main components and they are not variants of the main, they are a whole new component.

I did this 4 times yesterday. Today, I copied my component (so again, whole new component) and am simply trying to remove the property so that there are no properties on it, and there is a bug with the “minus” button so I can’t delete the property.

It should be acting like any fresh component with a property added, but it’s not.

The solution is based on the assumption that the issue is with one of a variant set, but that is not the problem. Even OP is showing a video of a main component, not a variant set.

I don’t know what I’m missing here cause it’s just not functioning as normal.

JK! Apologies, I totally misunderstood what you meant. I see now. All of the components I was copying did have variants, so when I copied and removed the superfluous variants (this component uses the same elements but is singular), I didn’t even realize I was still looking at a variant frame. After so many times copying variants, a component looks very strange without a dotted line around it 😀

This solved it for me as well! Seems like there should be some auto-cleanup of sorts in the backend that happens for folks stuck on the same issue 🤔 Thanks @tank666 !

It is not possible to create Variants in a Component Set without properties, or delete a single property. If you don’t need properties, then don’t combine components as variants. And if already combined, then:

Select all variants and drag outside the purple border.



In other words… If you want to delete the last variant property .. then drag the last component out of the purple dashed frame of the component and the variant property will be removed.
