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Hello, today the Noto Emoji font has disappeared from the fonts. I think it’s some kind of bug, because Noto Color Emoji is still on the list (even though it’s not supported by Figma) / (upd. SF Pro font dissapeared as well)

Even though I have this font installed separately on my PC, it is still not visible in the Figma interface.

So Figma Desktop doesn’t see any local fonts anymore (checked on two different PCs).

In this image: on the left the window of installed fonts on the system (Noto is there), on the right the screen for selecting local fonts in Figma

Upd. All this was fixed after rebooting the PC (before that I only rebooted Figma and reinstalled Figma Agent). Strange bug – I can understand that something in app was broken and local fonts were not visible, but why some cloud fonts disappeared?, I’ve encountered such a bug for the first time.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be?


22 july 2024: The problem happened again, but with different fonts (monrope)

24 july 2024: with bunch of fonts

Upd. All this was fixed after rebooting the PC (before that I only rebooted Figma and reinstalled Figma Agent). Strange bug – I can understand that something was broken and local fonts were not visible, but why some cloud fonts disappeared?, I’ve encountered such a bug for the first time.

Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

Hi! Saw you other post in the topic I split in – I’ve closed that one so we can keep all conversations here to prevent confusion in the future

Honestly, it’s hard to tell on mind end. It could even be something simple where the cloud fonts weren’t syncing correctly to Figma – restarting your computer may have just kicked things back into working.

If it does stop working again, let us know.

Hi, Kim.

Upd. 22 july 2024: The problem happened again, but with different fonts (monrope). Only a pc reboot/restart helps fix this. Perhaps the problem is only on UI3

Hi, Kim. Sadly that bug repated again and again (also i know another person who encountered same bug)

24 july 2024: Repeated again


@The – just to check, can you switch out of UI3 (back to UI2) and see if the fonts still continue to indicate as not missing?

If you’ve already tested that, can you confirm that you get the missing fonts error no matter what on both? I know this seems to have large gaps of time when occurring, but this would be helpful to know.

@ksn If it happens again, I will try to test it on UI2

P.S. Btw, then I’ll have the option to go back to UI3, right?

You should have no problem switching back!

So I checked with support, and want to get more info. This seems buggy at the moment, and want to grab extra details to be certain.

So in general, Windows font manager can get a bit temperamental when it comes to handling fonts. However, since a full restart of your computer seems to temporarily bandage the problem, this is potentially an issue with the font helper/Figma agent.

Are the cloud fonts you mention referring to Adobe Cloud?

Also re: certain font families not working – when it breaks, is it all local fonts just stop working altogether, or only select fonts at any given time stop working?

Sorry for the late reply, I haven’t come across this bug since.

Are the cloud fonts you mention referring to Adobe Cloud?

I don’t think so. Noto, IBM Plex is on Google Fonts, and the SF font doesn’t seem to be on Adobe Cloude (but I’m not sure).

Also re: certain font families not working - when it breaks, does it all local fonts just stop working altogether, or only select fonts at any given time stop working?

I think I’ve seen both cases, but I’m not sure anymore. Most likely, I just didn’t realize at that moment that all local fonts had disappeared.

Since I haven’t encountered this bug since then, perhaps you’ve fixed it already?
