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This issue has been already raised in here: Interactive component bug when prototyping with overlays

but received no responses and was closed.

However, the issue still persists, my case is exactly the same as described in the original topic, meaning:

  • Components (i.e. Buttons) with interactive states (default, hover, press) work well when used on prototypes that have a simple on Click interaction paired with Navigate to... option;

  • However, when the same component is used in local prototype but assigned a transition of Open Overlay or Scroll to... it does not work as expected;

Can someone from @figma confirm it’s a known bug and what would be the ETA on resolving that?

Based on my research, in Figma, interactive states like hover and press may not work well with ‘Open Overlay’ or ‘Scroll to’ actions. A workaround is to use ‘Navigate to’ instead, or manually add states.

Mike Taku.
