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When posting a visual created on Figma to Instagram, random white lines appear along the edges of the image, despite it being fully stretched within the frame. These lines are not visible in the preview of the image within Figma or on any pre-upload screens. However, they consistently show up after the image is posted to Instagram.

I always export in PNG and have never had an issue like this before, so why is this happening?

Hey there, welcome to the community!

This issue is often related to a bug our engineering team is aware of. The cause of these extra pixels is typically related to either the size or position of an element being a decimal point value.

To address this, you can pull up the Export Modal using Cmd + Shift + E , you’ll see a warning about this as well as the export dimensions. This should allow you to quickly find assets that need attention.

You can try two things to resolve this at this point - either manually changing its coordinates or size to the nearest whole pixel from the Properties Panel, OR using the Round to Pixel function from the menu:

  1. Select that object and go to main menu - from there choose Quick Actions.

  2. Search for Round to pixel:

Since we don’t currently have an ETA for a fix, I’d also recommend activating Snap to Pixel Grid to see if that helps. You can enable it from the main menu > Quick actions:

When you enable this functionality, Figma will align objects to the underlying grid when placing or moving them. This can help to prevent misaligned pixel errors when exporting elements.

You can also take a look at this plugin, which might be helpful in the meantime! Hope this helps 🙏
