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Hey guys, I have one issue when it comes to variables. One of our colleagues has copied some of the elements from another design system and now we got their variables and we can not remove them. P.S. The components that were imported were immediately removed, but the variables seems to be left inside the Figma.


We use only this type of variables, but if I go to the developer mode in the playground, I will get this result


Does anyone know where they come from and how to get rid of them?

Thank you in advance 🙂

@Milos_Mladenovski You can try running “Detach deleted variables” and “Re-solve variables references” to see if that helps.

Hey Nate! Thank you for your input, I have tried that as well but doesn’t seems to work. I get the following screen


I manage to contact the variables PM on Reddit, they said they aware of these “ghost variables” and had a short term and long term fix they were working on
