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Hello everyone,

I am using Figma’s REST API to integrate my software with Figma. I need to read and write the variables from a file. I’ve created an API key with read and write access to the variables, and I can read it, but whenever I try to write to it, I get the error: ‘403: Invalid account type’.

What could be causing this error? I know it is probably permission that needs to be granted, but when requesting permission from the company where I work, what type of permission do I need to request from them? Or type of account do I need to have?

Please refer to the developer documentation:

To use this API, you must have a full seat in an Enterprise org; guests cannot use the API. The following table describes the requirements.

Plan Enterprise Enterprise
Account type Any organization member Full Figma Design seats, admins
File permissions View access Edit access
Token scopes file_variables:read file_variables:write

403 API is not available. Possible error messages are “Limited by Figma plan”, “Incorrect account type”, “Invalid scope”, “Insufficient file permissions”, or “API only available for design files”. This could also indicate the developer / OAuth token is invalid or expired.
