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Hi all,

My muscle memory tells me Ctrl + Shift + G was the shortcut for Ungroup (as Group is Ctrl + G), but it seems it as changed now to Ctrl + Backspace?

If it’s intentional, I don’t get why it has changed. I was able to do this action with only my left hand prior to this change. The backspace is so far now that I need two hands now to ungroup 😦

Hey there, sorry for the confusion!

To un-group, the shortcuts you can use are:

  • Mac: Shift Command G or Command Delete.

  • Windows: Shift Control G or Control Backspace.

Thank you Denise, I swear the Ctrl + Shift + G wasn’t working for me yesterday 😅 Happy to see it’s still supported.

I finally understood the problem.

Turns out, when you have a AMD GPU or CPU, it installs an AMD Software that hijacks some keyboard shortcuts without telling you. Most are “Ctrl + Shift + +key]”. – 31 Mar 18

Leaving this here in case someone runs into the same problem.

Thanks for that!

Hey guys, found a helpful resource on the web, take a look How to ungroup in Figma

It might be helpful to the community.
