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Hi there,

we attempted to transfer a team from another company into our organization. As an admin, I received an email notification stating that I had a transfer request. When I clicked on ‘Review Request,’ I was directed to Figma’s team settings, but there was no option to accept the request.

We followed the instructions from this guide:

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Are there any settings I need to configure as an admin?

I’m really looking forward to getting some assistance with this issue.



Hi there,

I noticed this is a duplicate, so let me go ahead and merge it into this thread:

Team Transfer into another .

We’ll update the case above if there’s anything new to share!



A post was merged into an existing topic: Team Transfer into another

Hi Toku,

Thank you for reaching out. I’ve tried all the options mentioned above, but unfortunately, nothing seems to work. I’m really looking forward to receiving some technical support.



Hi Adina,

Thanks for quickly troubleshooting. I noticed you’ve already reached out to our support team, which is great! They will work on your case as soon as they’re ready. Please stay in touch with them for updates.

Thanks for your patience!


thank you so much Toku!
