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Text styles and color styles keep disappearing from my files, especially when I copy & paste them into other files. This is a very annoying bug because everything has been set up and then the next day everything is deleted.

Also, when cutting multiple style folders to another file, only the first folder is pasted.

Hey there! Sorry to hear this is happening. Can you please try to follow these steps as mentioned below. If this doesn’t help, please reach out directly to the support by filling this form: ( so we can investigate it further your issue. Please also add as an Editor to the file and the file’s containing the text styles (this won’t affect your billing at all).

The styles didn’t just detach. They disappear from the Local styles section in right panel. And this happens to color styles too. I found a thread with the same issue: Text and Colour Styles Disappearing - #13 by ksn
