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Hey everyone,

We are translating our app into 40 languages, so we have 40 pages created via our Localization plugin. I know that there’s no way to save all pages at once in Figma (only one-by-one).

Copying all pages into frames of one page is not an option because it’s 40 pages and it takes time when you have many projects at once.

Does anyone know a plugin that can help to export all pages at once? I searched everywhere but couldn’t find anything. Or maybe do you have another idea/solution?


Why do you need to do it though?

We need to send the screenshots to our translators for QA

Hi @April_Gilerovich ,

This topic may be a workaround to fix your issue: Multiple Pages to multipage PDF Export

“Move all the frames to one page and then use the Main menu ⟩ File ⟩ Export frames to PDF”

Hi @Celine_Figma

Thanks for trying to help! Copying all pages into frames of one page is not an option for us, because it’s 40 pages and it takes time when there are a lot of projects. I was wondering if there’s a way to export all pages.

Hi there, new to Figma.

I am looking for this feature as well which seems so basic that it makes me wonder if I should switch to Figma. 😥

How can this not be possible?

Why do you need it? I’m sure there is a better solution to your use-case.

In the case above the person needed it to hand off PDFs to translators which seems like a disastrous workflow at this scale to be honest. At this scale it would be beneficial to build custom integrations using REST API or use tools like Ditto to collaborate with translators to ensure the quality and speed of your output. Not manually jiggling PDFs around…

I am also having the same problem which is due to our translation tool importing each language onto a new page.

My workflow looks like this:

  1. Single Figma frame on Page 1 with text to be translated

  2. Send to translator via plugin

  3. 15 languages come back via the translation plugin

  4. Plugin creates 15 new pages with the single translated frame on each page.

  5. Plugin renames each of the pages to the translated language.

  6. I would like to export the frames all in one go without having to go to each page to export them separately.

My file looks something like this:

Original Page Name - contains Frame 1 (source copy)

Page 2 renamed to ‘Spanish’ - contains Frame 1 (translated to Spanish)

Page 3 renamed to 'French’ - contains Frame 1 (translated to French)

Page 3 renamed to ‘German’ - contains Frame 1 (translated to German)

and so on…

To make matters worse, the Frame is still named exactly the same thing, and the plugin renames the page and not the frame, so if I were to copy and paste each frame into a single page, I would also have to copy and paste to rename the frame so that the PNG is named the correct language.

I am exporting final PNG’s that will be displayed on our site in multiple languages, so there is no workaround for using an API or other workflow. Would be great if anyone has any ideas on how I might speed this process up.

I recommend you to reach out to the creator of the plugin you are using so they could improve it to fit your workflow better. Should be pretty simple to customize an existing plugin to fix this.
