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I am working on a ‘quiz’ type project, just starting to play around more with variables and conditionals so that my prototype can be more life-like for demo. I made the options in the quiz so that only one answer can be selected at a time, I also made it so that the next button could only be activated and used if an answer is selected.

I was having issues that if ‘variable 2’ was selected on frame 1, then on frame 2 it would still be selected automatically instead of reset to default as it should be. I checked reset component state:

But the issue is still persisting and I cant find any other solution other than setting conditions on every next button that says if nextbutton is equal to true navigate to {next frame} and set variable 1,2,3… etc. to false.

Is there any easier way to fix this? If I go with this long solution it wont remember which was selected on the page if user navigates to previous page, but I would prioritize reseting the buttons on the next page over it remembering previous answers.

Thank you!

Yes, there is. Just name your layers uniquely so it won’t preserve overrides.

For more context, check this video. Layer names are essential in prototyping in Figma due to preserve overrides.
