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I am creating a prototype for a website with a sticky header and a fixed footer that allows a user to scroll the content. I have created a “viewport” which is a standard window size and added 3 top level frames (one for the header, one for the footer, and one for the content). I set the header to sticky, the footer to fixed, and the content to scroll with parent (the parent is the viewport frame which is set to no scrolling). It all works well when I scroll “down” the page. However, when I scroll back “up” the content continues scrolling and I am able to see the frame at the top. Does anyone know how to fix this?

To debug, I have tried turning auto layout on and off in the content frame, but this has not helped.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. To troubleshoot, would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.


