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Hi all,

I’ve reviewed all previous topics and suggestions for fixing this issue, but unfortunately, the problem persists.

  • cleared cache and restarted the application

  • restarted my laptop

  • placed the required library file in the same Figma account (group) as the project

None of these solutions resolved the issue.

Moreover, I cannot connect the required library, as the system cannot find it. This is happening despite the library and working file being in the same account and even in the same Figma files.

I would appreciate your help in finding a resolution.

Hi there, welcome to the community, and sorry to hear you’re having trouble accessing your file!

I recommend reaching out directly to the support team through this form, and please include the URL of the file in your request. They’ll be able to locate your file and check your permissions. Make also sure to use your Figma email account when contacting them.

Thank you!
