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I have four color palettes saved as local variants, Default (Light), Default (Dark), Accessibility (Light), and Accessibility (Dark). I have several components that have accessibility features, like toggles, that have on, off, and default and accessibility properties. I would expect to be able to change the properties with a String variable, but after creating it I cannot select it in the component menu by clicking the hexagon icon. I can however create a new identical String variable from the menu and it works, but again, I’m not able to select it with other components or if I delink it from the one it was created with.

My goal is to set a frame to Accessibility (light) and the components within that frame that have accessibility features to change to those states. I can do that if I create the local variable for each component, but I can’t select one already created. I think this is a bug.

Of course, the video is too large and can’t be uploaded. 🤦‍♂️

Hi Chase89, thanks for reaching out to the community! Sorry to hear you are having trouble with Variables.

Yes, it would be great to have a quick video recording to better visualise the issue you encounter. Can you share it via a shared drive like Dropbox, GDrive, and a copy of your file here? This will help the community to try to replicate and help you!
