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Here is my situation:

Main Button component (layout and 3 sizes) → themed Button Component (Colors) → Button Group.

The button group also has three sizes, the buttons placed in the Group component are set accordingly.

Now when I change a button within the button group to a different color (variant of Themed Button) everything is fine UNTIL I change the size of the button group component then the label is set to default. It doesn’t matter if I set a Property on the label in the Main button component or not. All layers are named correctly (triple checked)

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! I just to hope to confirm if it’s a feature limitation or not. Would you be able to share the video recording so I can understand the behavior? Or if it’s difficult, the screenshots or Figma file would be helpful! If you can share the file link, please add to you file. It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further.



Hi Toku,

Thanks in advance for the help you want to give

I’ve added you to a demo file concerning our nested component issue.



Hi Roald.

Thanks for the file link; we can access it now. After checking your file, it might be a potential bug. Could you kindly submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue?

You can do so by following this link:

Submit a Bug Report

My apologies for asking you to fill out the form again.

Thanks for your understanding.


I think I have a similar issue.

Each icon in my set has two style and three sizes. All layers named the same way.

Also I have an icon button that changes colors depending on its type (e.g. default, error, success).

I want to be able to change type of the button, change style of the icon within it, swap the icon if needed, so that colors and styles transfer when I swap icons. Even though all the layers are named properly, it doesn’t work. When i swap icon either color in the instance resets, or something weird happens, e.g. color resets in the master component.

I’ve tried a couple of different approaches, using variables and modes, or doing everything without them, nothing helps.

here is a demo file
