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My rotation cursor isn't showing up on hover - why?


I’m hovering outside the layer to try and activate the rotation cursor, but it’s not showing. How come?


10 replies

  • Technical Quality Specialist
  • 382 replies
  • October 4, 2023

Hi @Anthony_Shui are you seeing this issue in the browser or desktop app? Does it recreate if you check from other browsers and does it impact all elements across all files or only certiant ones in a single file? Do you have any browser extensions enabled?


Hey @Ryan_52 ! I’m seeing this in the desktop app. It’s not working in Safari. It works in Google Chrome.

  • Technical Quality Specialist
  • 382 replies
  • October 9, 2023

I’ve checked this from my end but are not able to recreate it. Can you make sure your operating system is up to date. You might have a extension or program on your end causing some issues.


was this resolved? I’m having the same issues. Rotate or resize hover indication not showing up. I can still rotate or resize the objects however not having the indication on hover makes it difficult to grab the correct spot.

I am on mac desktop app. just updated my OS and restarted the app


I have the same issue. Any update? Tried all the usual restart tricks etc, but no luck

  • Community Support
  • 3381 replies
  • March 8, 2024

Hey Stuart! Sorry to hear this is happening.

I can’t also reproduce on my end. As Ryan explained, can you make sure your operating system is up to date? You might have a extension or program on your end causing some issues. For more information, please check our Troubleshooting tips that may help you: here

If this still doesn’t help, please reach out directly to the support team by filling this form: here

Please use your Figma account email, include a short video, a link to the file, and share it with by inviting directly as an editor (this won’t affect your billing at all) , so they can take a closer look.

For the short video, please include the whole window, with the properties and layers panels in view and relevant layers expanded, and select any layers you’re having trouble with so we can check any relevant settings. We use these videos to try and reproduce the issue in our own files and so showing all steps needed to reproduce the behavior is helpful. Thank you!


Same here 😦

It’s gotta be some setting in Firefox or browser of choice. Switching to chrome worked for me. If Figma could tell us the settings we need enabled on Firefox/Safari/Edge that would be awesome.

I have the same problem with my desktop app. i am using a mac that has a hardware as powerfull as a powerplant and my software is also up to date. it’s super annoying.

  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • March 12, 2025

Same here, I’ve restarted, opened new files nothing works. Mac using in the app on desktop



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