Hey there, could you please make a quick video of the issue you’re running into so we can get a closer look?
Can you confirm if the miniature preview displays the exact same as (matches) the Edit window and it’s only the full preview window that displays the anomaly?
I am experiencing the same issue in both the mini preview and full preview.
The full preview does render correctly at first, but if I switch the variable mode it breaks until I relaunch the full preview.
I can fix the mini preview if I go adjust all my input field properties to hug and back to fill. But it breaks if I switch variable modes, and stays broken until adjusting the field properties from hug and back to fill. I am applying a min width with fill in an autolayout frame.
@Matthew_Galley2 Are you able to share a copy of your prototype with support via email? I’m unable to replicate with info/files provided via the forum mprivacy and security of your files].
Our tech quality team can take a look to see where things are breaking if you submit a ticket: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001744374
@ksn I submitted a bug using the link in your message. I provided a link with editor access to the file in the description and the url input fields on the form. Thanks.