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I am trying to get a custom font we use internally in to Figma, but the weights aren’t carrying across into Figma. On my PC, this worked seamlessly, but I recently moved across to Mac and had to do a clean install of the fonts and Figma’s font install tool.

When installing the font into Mac OS, I’ve installed three font weights (light, regular bold) of a singular font, and they function perfectly fine within Word. When I try to use them in Figma, the only font weight available is bold, and when I am prompted to change text weights (as I am editing a file that previously had this fonts), I only have bold to select from.

Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.07.06

I’m experiencing the same issue. Is there a workaround?

Hey there,

Please make sure that the fonts you have installed in the font book of your computer are “Enabled”. You can enable fonts by right clicking the custom font in your font book and choose “Enabled”.

You may have to enter each custom font and enable all the different font weights as well. If the fonts from your font book were disabled, once you enabled them, you’ll need to restart the Figma desktop app. You can read more here from Apple on how to enable and disable fonts from the font book.

If you’ve followed these instructions and are using the Desktop App, or seeing the notification that Local Fonts are enabled on your Figma account settings in the browser, then it’s possible that the font you’ve installed is not the same version as the one used in the File. Once you install the correct version, try restarting Figma to use that version.
