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I have been student in University of Immaculate Conception which is this is my email [redacted]. Now since I became a part timer teacher in my university the IT administrator have updated my account into [redacted]. I am now try to accessing my Figma account but it seems it reset my account. How can I recover all my files that is associated with my old email account to my new account.

Hey @Muslimin_Ontong - my apologies if this has been slowing down your work. I saw that you had written into support, which may have led you here.

I’m going to ask that the support team reach out to you regarding this. Since this involves accounts changes (from both your side and ours, it seems), I’d really like them to get this situated.

I’m going to have them reach out to you through the new email address that your university changed it to.

Lastly: I’ve removed your email addresses that you added above, to protect your information and keep it private.

Please be on the lookout for support’s email shortly.
