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I am fairly new to Figma, I have been designing for about a year now.

I have a project that needs like 20 dropdown accordions and each accordion has different content requirement.

For instance, 1 needs 3 options, another needs 5, another needs 2, another needs 7 etc etc.

Whenever I remove elements from an instance the end result does not reflect in my prototype. It defaults back to the default interaction. For instance if I create an accordion with 10 options and remove the ones I don’t need then when I use the prototype, the ones I didn’t need still show up. I tried to solve this with slots, and it’s possible I did it wrong but that was unsuccessful as well.

I have probably spent 12-18 hours on research and testing in trying to solve this without creating 20 different components and prototyping them individually. Literally tried everything I can possibly think of and find online to try and solve this problem but I keep coming up empty handed.

Is this not possible or am I missing something here? Maybe a work around?

If this isn’t possible I can imagine how tremendously useful this would be!

I created a quick 2 min video showing you exactly what I mean:

Here is a picture as well:

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me navigate this!

For some reason, based on the amount of content I see on this forum. I thought this community and forum would be more helpful and welcoming. Either I am missing something, or it seems like StackOverflow is still the place to go for the best technical support.

I’ve had this problem too. I’ve created an accordion component with slots. Then in the prototype, I swap out the slots with content. However, it keeps reverting back to just showing all the slots. A lot of effort gone to waste. Very, very frustrating.

same here … /:
