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When selecting layers while holding down CMD-key, as I remember it, Figma would select all layers that were completely covered by my selection marquee. And only those layers.

In some recent version this seems to have changed so that Figma selects any individual layers as long as any part of any layer is merely touching the selection marquee…

Can someone confirm if this change in the marquee selection is a fact? I prefer the version where only layers completely covered by the marquee become selected when holding down CMD / Ctrl - key. I think it allows for very precise selections with quick gestures, which I now find lacking with the selection behaviour change.

Is there still a way to do this more precise type of selection in Figma? I’ve been trying to use some modifier keys to look for behaviour changes in selection but with no luck… Thanks.

When selecting layers while holding down CMD-key, as I remember it, Figma would select all layers that were completely covered by my selection marquee. And only those layers.

In some recent version this seems to have changed so that Figma selects any individual layers as long as any part of any layer is merely touching the selection marquee…

Can someone confirm if this change in the marquee selection is a fact? I prefer the version where only layers completely covered by the marquee become selected when holding down CMD / Ctrl - key. I think it allows for very precise selections with quick gestures, which I now find lacking with the selection behaviour change.

Is there still a way to do this more precise type of selection in Figma? I’ve been trying to use some modifier keys to look for behaviour changes in selection but with no luck… Thanks.

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging this. Our team has confirmed that this is unexpected behavior, as noted in the previous bug report:

As a workaround, please disable the Right click and drag to pan option and use + Right Click instead.

To keep everything organized, I’ll merge your post into the existing thread. Please feel free to add your comments there!

Thank you for your patience.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Bug - Right click “layers menu” not working

A post was merged into an existing topic: Bug - Right click “layers menu” not working

@y_toku Hi, my question has I believe been incorrectly sorted under this bug report. My question is not related to this.

unless they are related in code/behind the scenes in some way that’s not obvious as an end-user…

Hi there,

My apologize for merging them by mistake! Let me go back to the original one so we can discuss.


I think this has been fixed now. At least using Figma today CMD-selecting layers are back to the behaviour that I was used to and expected.
