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Hi! Sorry if I just can’t find an existing article, but I have a hiccup in my process for my presentation slides.

It’s tough to add and remove slides, cause the layer panel gets messed up when you duplicate or add a new slide frames, since I already batch renamed and reordered +40 slides before I had to make changes.

Is there an easier way to reorder the frames in the layer panel so I can more easily rename them properly when I need to export them to images in proper order?

This isn’t a problem for presenting in Figma (top to bottom and left to right on canvas works just fine)…but creates an issue if I need to image archive the deck or in my case now I have to add this deck to a powerpoint that is aggregating with existing decks and having them out of order makes it really difficult when changes come down the pipeline.


You should try this plugin

Thanks for the suggestion! I tested it with blank frames, worked like a charm, tried it with my deck file (an even reset all the artboard names) but it didn’t quite work

I did search in plugins and found this one called Sorter, worked like a charm and has lots of options!

For my usecase, the first option (sort position) did the trick
