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Some of my files (desktop and web) are correctly displaying the FontAwesome icons - those files in the font dropdown I see FontAwesome 5 Pro (plus free and brand). No problems in these files

There is one file where in my font dropdown I see this:

  • Fontawesome 5 Brand

  • Fontawesome 5 Duotone

  • Fontawesome 5 Free

  • Fontawesome 5 Pro

  • Fontawesome [no other descriptor]

In this file I cannot get any fontawesome icon to render - I just get the text. Any ideas? The Figma team is unable to help me. I already sent in a support ticket and they said they can’t help with font problems.

Have you read this : Add icons to text layers with icon fonts

Alternatively you can use this plugin

Font Awesome Icons

Coming at this far into the future. If anyone else still runs into this, I discovered, the cause in my case was due to the wrong Font Style Field being selected under the font family. I was importing the Chevron Down icon, and the font style field was set to Regular. I updated the style field to Solid and voila!

Jonah - that was not my problem in my original post - but today it was my problem you just made my day perfect. I am so grateful you replied. Thank you.

Just what I needed, thank you!

It took me far too long to find this solution. Thank you so much for posting.

Even further in the future… I am on a hoverboard… but it doesn’t hover anything… it has wheels… Anyway… I am still having random FA6 (Font Awesome 6) issues (that also occurred with Figma and Sketch] with earlier versions of FA back in the day). The ‘face-smile-hearts’ (which I want for LOVE/REALLY LIKE) icon will not render properly in any style, however the ‘smile’ and ‘frown’ icons work fine. I find that most (if not all) of my issues seem to be related to iterations of icons that include hyphenated (and multi-hyphenated) versions of icons so it may be a programmatic issue not translating the desired icon apples to apples with FA. FIGMA… please, please, please work harder with FA and any/all character based fonts to render properly as it is KILLING my productivity as well as the scalability, effectiveness and efficiency of my designs, design systems/libraries and prototypes.

Oh wow…you just saved me from total meltdown. Many thanks for sharing!!

For those who are still facing this issue - that is switching V5,v6, solid, light ~ and still can’t get it working try this - create a new project. If it works on that project, try copying and pasting (the entire text string) into your current project’s master atomic component. not really ideal as this may add extra jumping through hoops.

Thank you, Jonah
