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I had designed a screen with an Interface Scale of 66%, which messed up the Figma size vs the real size. For instance, Figma was saying the screen width was 1920px but it was actually 1920 * 3/2 = 2880px wide.

The biggest issue was with the font size. Figma says it is 64px, but for a 1920px screen it should be way smaller.

I fixed this issue for future screens by changing the Interface Scale to 100%. However it did not fix the existing design, which still says the screen has 1920px even though in presentation mode it is 2880px.

How can I fix the existing design that had the wrong Interface Scale?

I tried to scale the entire screen by 0.6666x, which visually worked, but then we have the wrong screen width again. Figma says it is 1280px, but it fits perfectly in my 1920px screen.

I’ve double check that the Interface Scale is at 100% and the zoom level was 100% before clicking to present.

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