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If you delete a main component or variant, an instance of it in the document will remain, but the only way to find it is to select it and see the “Restore Component” or “Missing variant” in the right panel.

Is there any way to list or explore the main component or its instances that are lost throughout the document or page?

I am the developer of the Figma Plugin, so any method utilizing the Figma API would be fine.

Thank you in advance.

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If you succeed in making a plugin that finds missing main components and missing variants you would be awesome!

I would also like this. And/or some way to find component instances that reference a component library in another file—having some trouble migrating to a new design system.

Me too! A plug-in that did this would be a big help.

I think it’s feature that we can put up to Vote for Figma to add if you agree

This would be extremely useful. We have a very large component library and it’s very hard to find and update instances of a component we need to retire.

As I had the same Issue I just recently build a Plugin that finds missing Components & Variants in a File. Hope it helps:


Thank you for creating this plugin! Could you share in general what the logic was behind detecting instances that had missing components and variants? I’m only trying to use the detection logic to take action rather than look through the entire document for missing components and variants, but I don’t know how to determine that that condition.
