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How to export assets via plugin api?

  • February 8, 2023
  • 6 replies


Hi to all, is it possible to export assets from figma like images, svg?. I need a zip archieve of this files. thanks!

6 replies

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • February 8, 2023

Have you tried searching for existing solutions and plugins API documentation?

  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • February 26, 2025
Gleb wrote:

Have you tried searching for existing solutions and plugins API documentation?

I certainly have, and I am no closer to determining how to make this work. What’s worse, is that the plugin API fails completely silently - I can’t even get it to throw errors with extensive error checking. 

Do you have any actual solutions, or are you just going to give another glib response?

  • 4854 replies
  • March 2, 2025

@Josh_Kulpa, what kind of help do you want? It's not clear from your description what you did. If you provide enough information, including the code you're using/wrote, you'll be more likely to get a concrete answer. And on topic, to export nodes use the exportAsync method, and to pack them into a ZIP archive you can use a library like JSZip.

  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • March 5, 2025


tank666 wrote:

@Josh_Kulpa, what kind of help do you want? It's not clear from your description what you did. If you provide enough information, including the code you're using/wrote, you'll be more likely to get a concrete answer. And on topic, to export nodes use the exportAsync method, and to pack them into a ZIP archive you can use a library like JSZip.


I would like a functioning code example of how to export a frame as .svg and/or .pdf using the plugin API.

Currently, there is no such code example anywhere I can find - not the documentation, not in the community, and not anywhere else.

Here’s the code I put into my test plugin. Any help would be immensely appreciated:


const axios = require('axios')
const { performance } = require('perf_hooks')
const fs = require('fs')
const blobStream = require('blob-stream');
const PDFDocument = require('pdfkit')
const SVGtoPDF = require('svg-to-pdfkit');

let axiosInstance = axios.create({
    baseURL: "",
    headers: {
        "X-Figma-Token": process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN

const pdfCreator = {
    async getFilePages(key) {
        let start =
        let response = await axiosInstance.get(`files/${key}`)
        let end =

        console.log(`Got file pages in ${end - start} ms`)

        return this.sortFrames([0].children
            .filter(layer => layer.type === "FRAME"))

    sortFrames(pages) {
        let lines = []
        let sortedByHeight = pages.sort((a, b) => a.absoluteBoundingBox.y - b.absoluteBoundingBox.y)
        let finalArray = []
        for (let page in sortedByHeight) {
            let pageItem = sortedByHeight[page]
            let nextPageItem = sortedByHeight[parseInt(page) + 1]
            if (nextPageItem) {
                let seuil = pageItem.absoluteBoundingBox.height / 2

                if (Math.abs(nextPageItem.absoluteBoundingBox.y - pageItem.absoluteBoundingBox.y) <= seuil) {
                    if (lines.length == 0) {
                } else {
                    if (lines.length > 0) {
                        let index = sortedByHeight.findIndex((el) => { return === lines[0].id })
                        let sortedLine = lines.sort((a, b) => a.absoluteBoundingBox.x - b.absoluteBoundingBox.x)
                        sortedByHeight.splice(index, lines.length)
                        sortedByHeight.splice(index, 0, ...lines);
                        lines = []
        return sortedByHeight
    async exportPages(pages, key) {
        let response = await axiosInstance.get(`images/${key}`, {
            params: {
                ids: =>','),
                format: "svg"

        for (let page of pages) {
            page.imageUrl =[]

        return "ok"
    async getImagesContent(pages) {
        let start =
        let imagesPromises = []
        for (let page of pages) {
            let imagePromise = this.getImageContent(page)
        await Promise.all(imagesPromises)
        let end =
        console.log(`Got images content in ${end - start} ms `)
        return "ok"
    async getImageContent(page) {
        let response = await axios.get(page.imageUrl)
        page.svgContent =
        return "content"
    async createPdf(pages, res) {
        const options = {
            assumePt: true

        let doc = new PDFDocument({ compress: false, size: [pages[0].absoluteBoundingBox.width, pages[0].absoluteBoundingBox.height] })
        let stream = doc.pipe(res);
        SVGtoPDF(doc, pages[0].svgContent, 0, 0, options);
        for (let page of pages) {
            doc.addPage({ size: [page.absoluteBoundingBox.width, page.absoluteBoundingBox.height] })
            SVGtoPDF(doc, page.svgContent, 0, 0, options);


module.exports = pdfCreator


  • 4854 replies
  • March 9, 2025

@Josh_Kulpa, are you sure you need to use the Plugin API? From the code you provided, I see that you used the REST API endpoints.

It's really weird that you didn't find any code examples for exporting nodes anywhere, because I found everything on GitHub. Here are some:

  • New Member
  • 3 replies
  • March 12, 2025
export interface ExportableBytes {
  name: string;
  setting: ExportSettingsImage | ExportSettingsPDF | ExportSettingsSVG;
  bytes: Uint8Array;

async function main(nodes): Promise<string> {
  if (!hasValidSelection(selection)) return Promise.resolve("Nothing selected for export")

  let exportableBytes: ExportableBytes[] = []
  for (let node of nodes) {
    let { name, exportSettings } = node
    if (exportSettings.length === 0) {
      exportSettings = [{ format: "PNG", suffix: '', constraint: { type: "SCALE", value: 1 }, contentsOnly: true }]

> for (let node of nodes) {

> let {name, exportsettings } = node

Does this code mean that the export settings have to be provided by the user in the GUI, rather than setting them programatically? 


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