Hi, I am trying to make it so that when a button is pressed, on each press it cycles to the next variant and will keep looping around if you keep pressing over and over. I am trying to do this with variables but this is my first time using them so I am a bit lost.
Here is the file to follow along: https://www.figma.com/file/5Qy3HpaZeEAD3UnxkrCY1j/Project-2?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=octjKPN0km1EckG8-1
This is the first thing I tried (since it seems Figma has no else if statements), but when clicking this make it so the map switches straight from Mode 1 to Mode 3. Clicking again after that does nothing even though there is an if MapType = MapType:Mode3 statement.
Am I simply using modes wrong? Variable modes is something I think I understand but I may be wrong, is MapType just a value can can only be assigned one of the mode values? (CloudCoverMap,LightPollutionMap,CombinedMap)?
Even as a test using the else statement just to try and have it be able to toggle back and forth, it doesnt work like I would assume. It works to go from mode 1 to mode 2 but wont do anything after the first tap.
Any help on the best way to do this would be appreciated, thank you very much!