How can I prevent ghost variables? It is still a mystery to me how some of my components became homes for ghosts. For example, I haven’t touched checkbox since I added the variables in the first place, and today I learned that the variables weren’t updating with everything else… not sure why!!
So many questions about ghosts…
If I change the name of a variable, will that create a ghost or will it overwrite?
If I delete a variable, publish (creating a ghost), but then re-add a variable with the same name will it be reconnected or will it still be a ghost?
If I detach a component, will the variables still be connected to the library and get updated or will they turn into ghosts?
If I rename a component, will the variables used in it become ghosts?
If I move a component to another page, frame, or section in the library will it cause ghost variables?
If a designer in a worker file overwrites a variable, will that variable update with the library or will become a ghost?
How can I make sure that the variables within components that are hidden within another component (nested) stay updated? When will they update and when will they not?