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Hi everyone,

I’ve made a structure about icons but it has a problem. I explained the problem and you can see the problem on the Figma document here:

Figma – 30 Jan 24

Hey Burak, thank you for sharing your file with us. I’ve made a copy of it and shared this internally to investigate further. Once I get a feedback I’ll get back to you. I appreciate your patience!

Thank you. A Reddit community member wrote me that Figma fails in those situations, “Figma does not allow you to override components that are already using overrides”. I hope that is not true…

Hey! Apologies for the delayed response. This might be a long standing bug, to confirm this I’ve created a support ticket on your behalf. Our technical quality team can investigate further. Your Ticket number is #916424, for reference. I shared your file link with them. Please invite with “can edit” permission. Note that users with emails on your team do not count towards your billing.

If you’re unsure on how to invite someone to a file, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Share” button at the top-right corner of the Editor

  2. In the next window, type into the text box

  3. Select the “can edit” permission option

  4. Click the “Send invite” button

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
