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I usually hold down command and hover over layers nested in a frame/auto-layout to select, instead of having to click multiple times to drill down to that layer.

Now it seems all janky? only some auto-layouts will outline when I command+hover and others will drill down the the lowest granularity layer which is NOT what I want.

for example, a button on a page. command+hover will not allow me to select the button. I have to click on the page multiple times to get to the button OR select the label and then the button. this is KILLING my productivity. What happened???

Hey @Ly_Lisa - apologies for the late reply, and for any disruption. Are you still having issues with this?

if so, can you tell me if you are on the new UI3? If you are, if you swap back to UI2 and try this, does it go back to working as you expected? Also: is this on both the Figma website and the desktop app?

If you could also grab a screen recording so I can get a better visual, that would be helpful. I’ve been testing this on my end on both the new UI and old, and don’t seem to have this happen (but I could have misunderstood your issue, so I’m not testing this correctly).

Thanks very much!

EDIT: also, are you on windows or mac?
