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This is actually a message for the Figma product team, unless someone made a custom exension for this (which shouldn’t be needed).

The ability to hide Google fonts from the font menu was removed with a recent version, see this screenshot:

It’s quite cumbersome to scroll through 1000s of Google fonts only to find our selection of local fonts.

I know we can type the name to search, but during font exploration we can’t easily memorize each font name and weight yet. And we hardly ever use Google fonts.

Why was this feature removed?

It would be a huge time saver if this can be enabled again.

You can now adjust which fonts you see in the font picker:

@Gleb Wow, it’s well hidden!

Many thanks for sharing this solution, much appreciated.

But how did it solve the issue though? When I pick “Installed by you”, it shows me only several fonts from my collection, not all my installed fonts. And my installed fonts are fully available only under “All fonts” where this carefully selected collection messes up in an ugly manner with this Google mishmash.

Why to force users into randomly selected stuff instead of allowing us to work with a clear list of our hand picked fonts? Does anyone know how to disable Google fonts, and keep only the fonts installed in the system? Thanks!

Sounds like a bug, report it to Figma:

If the fonts are not displayed even after installing the font agent

Windows10-11: open C:\Users * User name*\AppData\Local\FigmaAgent

set the open as administrator option on Figma_agent.exe

rerun Figma.exe

I’m returning to say the following: if you encountered the issue described above and managed to install fonts using the method mentioned, further font installations still won’t show up in Figma. To make fonts appear ‘on the fly,’ follow these steps:

install the font > kill the Firm and Figma Agent processes > re-run Figma.exe

Otherwise, the fonts will still not display.

I completely agree with the need for more control over Google Fonts in Figma. For me, the removal of the hide feature has also caused another issue: Figma defaults to Google’s “Display” variants of Noto Sans instead of the standard weights. For instance, when I try to select Noto Sans Regular, Figma often defaults to Noto Sans Display Regular.

Since Google Fonts are baked into Figma, I don’t have control over which variants are shown, and now I can’t hide them either. This is particularly frustrating because the “Display” styles are noticeably different in appearance, which breaks consistency in design when we want to use standard styles.

If Figma allowed us to hide or reorder these Google font variants—or bring back the ability to hide Google Fonts altogether—it would make font selection a lot easier and more predictable.

Here is a link to my screenrecording of that bug:

Here is the link to the file:

Figma – 19 Nov 24
