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So I have a table of the size of the most of the viewport as the center stage. When clicking on the row of the table, it opens up a drawer from the right side as an overlay (with the help of Overlay prototyping). While this is being done, the row which opened the drawer is higlighted. Now I want to use the funtion “Close when clicking outside” and it should go back to the normal table view. However, the problem is, it goes back but to the highlighted row table.

So the flow is like this,

  1. normal table view,

  2. mouse on the row (highlighted),

  3. clicked on the row to open the drawer related to it (row is here highlighted),

  4. when clicked outside of the drawer

  5. goes back to just row highlighted which is part of 3, instead it should go to 1

how to do that? Please help me.

Easiest way would be for the table and drawer overlay to be in one screen, and to either wire the entire screen or an invisible box over the area outside the overlay to return to the normal table view if clicked (depending on whether or not there are clickable elements inside the overlay)
