I have a plugin that, at startup, iterates over the children of a ComponentSetNode. For each ComponentNode, it extracts some data from four descendants of the ComponentNode. Recently users complained that startup was taking a long time. So I’ve been looking into it.
The code uses findAllWithCriteria to find three text nodes, and findOne to locate an InstanceNode. I discovered that processing each ComponentNode is taking around 180 ms.
I had the bright idea that it might be more efficient to avoid finding the descendent nodes and pick them out directly. The ComponentNode structure is fixed, so I ended up with four statements in the general form of:
const nameNode: TextNode = item.childrene0].childrene0].childrene1].childrene0]
This is of course more fragile, but I was hoping to see an improvement in processing time. Instead, it nearly doubled to 318 ms average.
So, yay for Figma code being more efficient, but I guess I’m looking for some thoughts on why this is so slow to begin with. I can’t prove it, but to my best recollection this started just a few months ago. I don’t believe this used to be slow. The code that handles this has been stable for a long time, and we haven’t had a big increase in the number of ComponentNodes that we’re processing.
For now I’m working around it by using setTimeout to handle one ComponentNode at a time. This alleviates the issue of having the UI freeze while we load this data, but this makes getting the data take even longer. So not a really happy solution.