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I In Figma, the keyboard shortcuts for sending an item backward or forward are Ctrl + [ and Ctrl + ], respectively. Bringing items to the back or front is done using Ctrl + Shift + [ or Ctrl + Shift + ], respectively.

However, the shortcut preview on the right-click panel doesn’t reflect this accurately.

Figma, please check.

Hey @Taimosa_Eregie, thanks for flagging this to us!

I just tested the Bring to front ] and Send to back [ shortcuts on my macOS, and they are working as expected. What device and OS are you using?

With more details, I’ll be able to pass this onto the team to investigate.

I can confirm it works properly now.

It didn’t work the last time I tried it.

Thanks for letting us know, @Taimosa_Eregie!

Happy to hear it’s working now. 🙂

Hello, my input on this topic is that I think that there is a problem when I arrange siblings of a VERTICAL auto layout (the behavior in HORISONTAL auto layouts seems logical to me):

So, on vertical auto layouts, when I hit send to front, the layer goes to the bottom of the layers panel (and the object goes to the bottom of my layout relatively to its siblings).
