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Hey ya’ll, I’m working in Figma slides, and adding a live prototype. Here’s what happens:

  1. I open the prototype I want from my file, and retrieve the shareable link. The link is not restricted to anyone or anything.

  2. I paste the link in my Figma slides.

  3. It loads correctly, and has the correct journey selected in the prototype editor in Figma Slides (on the right-hand side, where you can change the prototype).

  4. Next, when I go to presentation mode, and click to load the prototype on the slide.

  5. It loads the incorrect page. It loads the first page (which is just a cover thumbnail).

Please help!

Sorry, I can’t offer help, just solidarity. The same thing is happening to me. It’s reverting to the Thumbnail of the other file.

Hey @Shubhank_Sahay @Stephanie_McKenzie – this is actually a bug that our engineering team is working on now. I’ll do my best to get you an update once we get one!

Hi both! Can you try again and see if things are working now? I believe the push to fix has happened.

Seem to be working as expected! Thank you.

Hey, no @ksn I’m still seeing the issue.

So the issue is fixed for prototypes that have multiple frames, and clicks between frames.

But when the prototype is a single frame, and a scroll view, and you have it in prototype, and go to embed, it defaults back to covers.

I’d be happy to send you a private video or whatnot, speaking to it/reproducing it (since the works a little under NDA).

Hey @Shubhank_Sahay, I’d like to take this case from here.

Are you able to share a screen recording with me via DM and inform me here on this post? I can take a look at it and ask internally for help.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Gayani_S it works! Turns out I had to update Figma 😭
