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I’ve been using the Figma desktop app for a long time, but it’s always been sluggish. Even running it on a GPU didn’t improve the performance. When I tried the same file on macOS, it ran much smoother. I also cleared the cache, but that didn’t help either.

Hi there, sorry to hear you are having performance issues.

Figma is a browser-based app, which means it’s subjected to the available memory limit that applies to each browser tab, including those in our Desktop App. When loading or editing Figma files nears or exceeds that memory limit, it can cause performance issues like long load times or crashes.

Our Help Center has a guide on how to avoid hitting this limit so you can continue working in your file - Reduce memory usage in files.

We suggest checking your file for the following elements which can cause a high available memory use, especially when used in components:

  1. A large amount of content spread across multiple Pages. We suggest you cut and paste content from this file into a new file so that you aren’t loading the content you don’t need to when opening a file. To preserve connections between instances and their main components, please follow the instructions in our Move published components article.

  2. Hidden layers. Loading and then hiding a large number of layers, especially in components or with images stored in them, can cause a high use of available memory on loading.

  3. Stacked Masks and Effects like shadows and blurs also take a lot of memory to load.

If this doesn’t help, I’d recommend you to reach out directly to the support team: here

Please use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and add as an Editor, so they can investigate it. Thanks!
