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First of all: I am an Org Admin.

At the moment I am having several difficulties with roles and rights for teams and projects.

For some time now, several teams have not had an owner assigned. In two of the teams, an external employee who is no longer in the project was previously the owner. After he left, the account was deleted. Now these projects no longer have an owner. However, I would like to assign one or define myself as the owner. However, this is not possible using the known methods outlined in various other community questions. Not even by experimentally leaving the team.

I no longer have any access to another team. Although I am an Org Admin, I can neither manage nor join the team. As far as I know, the team has another member, but with viewer rights, not an admin.

What should I do?

Hi there, sorry for the confusion on the permission’s right!

I see your ticket has been solved on our backend by identifying the admin user who still has access to it.

For others in the community who may encounter a similar issue, here are some clarifications that could be helpful:

''It appears that the reason you weren’t able to claim or assign ownership is because there are already other admins in the teams.

When an Org Admin removes someone from an organization, we will:

  • Immediately remove their access to the organization.

  • Prevent the user from accessing teams, files or libraries within the organization.

  • Remove the user from every team they own. From there, the Team Admin(s) will be able to carry out any administrative tasks on the team. If there are no Team Admins, the Organization Admin will be able to claim the team from their Admin Settings > Teams tab (teams can be filtered by Teams without owners).

  • Still provide existing Editors access to the user’s Files and Projects while they are ownerless.

  • Move the contents of their Drafts to the organization’s Shared Projects folder.

For more information, visit: Remove people from an organization.

That said, please rest assured that the team owner is mainly used to indicate who created the Team and is not an additional level of access. A Team owner used to have more permissions than a team admin previously, but over time, we decided to give team owners and team admins the same permission levels to ensure that work could continue as normal if a team owner was unavailable for whatever reason. ‘’
