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Updating components doesn’t activate publish.

I make an edit to component in a file shared as a library. Usually this activates the ability to publish changes. But that is not happening. Nothing happens. To activate this I have to make an arbitrary change to another component. Doing this activates the function and I can publish.

However this does not activate the review function on any of the subscribing files.

How can I fi this so that it works as consistently as promised?


There was an invalid property. A showstopping problem the Figma UI does a great job of camouflaging.

Just wanted to comment here for anyone else’s sake, that this was absolutely the issue! In my case, somehow a property from a nested component was added to the larger component. Once I deleted that property from the larger component, I was able to publish it. Thanks for the update on this one!

just ran into this issue as well, thanks to this post for helping me because it was driving me crazy. @Figma_Support would be great to have a very obvious indicator when this is the issue because right now there is next to none

Omg! Just had the same issue. Invalid property would have been the last thing I’d have checked for.

Same for me, that was a huge pain point I was not able to detect it till I read this thread.

Thanks for that.

And pretty poor mistake by Figma in terms of usability

This problem still exists today, please update it

Hey All, sorry for the lack of acknowledgement here!

In 2022, when this topic was originally created, the forum was primarily managed by the community. That said, the solution was self-solved in the original topic by John:


There was an invalid property. A showstopping problem the Figma UI does a great job of camouflaging.

John is correct. This is usually caused by existing errors, i.e. an invalid property. Until all errors are corrected, you won’t be prompted to or be able to publish changes.

Can you try selecting your components and/or variant sets to check if there are any errors or warnings shown that prevent the changes from being published?

If there are no errors showing, please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help:

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to your file, and share it with, so our technical quality team can take a closer look.
