Let’s say you want to create an entire mobile flow layout (ex. 24 app screens) for a Mobile App. You did all the art and it’s looking great. Requirements are: two mobile sizes /Android and iOS (as an example).
Q: ( If I wanted to do this - all in the same project document) Would you layout/design one size first (Ex: iOs13/Pro), essentially do all the design of App screens(flow) in one Size Device, AND THEN make a “new page” (i.e. duplicate all artwork) – then resize frames for Andriod (while also adjusting artwork to fit new Android size)?? OR…is there a better way to accomplish this in Fig. ?? I figured there has GOT to be a better way. I tried the one mentioned here but since there maybe tons of Artboards (just for the one iOs device alone)… this could be extremely time consuming to adjust for another device size. Any suggestions, please. Much appreciated!