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I am trying to copy a project from one team to another within the same account. I am the owner of both teams. I have a large number of files and I need to copy the project (create a duplicate) for one of my other teams.

I have tried the “Send a Copy” feature when I right-click the project on the team screen. It prompts me to enter the URL and the email address (mine) of the team to which I want the project sent.

I entered the URL (and did not receive any error message). Then, I enter my own email (because I’m the owner of the team). No error messages, as seen in the attached screenshot.

However, when I go to click on the “send” button. It remains grey (unavailable) and will not allow me to click on it.

I can’t seem to figure this out. I have already read through this forum discussion, but I am not seeing the same features when I try to follow the recommended “solution.”

I forgot to upload the screenshot.

Hey @Wes, sorry to hear this is happening!

When the Move… or Move project menu items are unavailable, it’s usually because the project has can view permissions. You can check the permissions of your project by clicking the Share button on the project page.

As the team owner you should be able to check and/or change the permissions to can edit for members within the project, which should enable the menu options to move the project.

I also saw that you reached out to support directly. I’ve escalated your ticket #1096468 on your behalf to have someone review and reach out to assist, if my suggestions above don’t work as expected.
