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Is it possible to animate content so that when I scroll down it appears gradually? Also is it possible to add animations like text and images moving while scrolling down?


did you ever find an answer to this?

I am looking for a way to animate images (grow/shrink randomly) as scroll down/up the page.

I’m trying to achieve this too. at the moment I can only simulate the page scrolling by using the keypad arrow down going from frame to frame… but I need to build a prototype that could be used for testing. so on scroll animation is essential.

so, I ended up doing smart animate to get the scrolling effect. Not the same since does not work on interactive prototypes, but can screen record and use that way.

page scroll feature would be brilliant to have! Hear that Figma?

Figma – 20 Sep 21

I too was trying to animate my scroll while making a website to mimic a parallax scroll.

This tutorial helped me achieve that.

Sadly it is on drag 😕

Also @Laura_Pittoni how were you able to animate the scroll using your keyboard?

Plus I do not know if this would be helpful or not, but will leave it here.

