I created a pretty awesome ( I think) numerical input field component.
I used a variable IN THIS KIT FILE to identify the text value, “numerical-input-value/value.”
So the condition says IF the variable is zero, the up icon increases by 1. The down icon decreases the set variable by 1 until it hits zero, then stops. I added keyboard commands too!
That part is kinda stellar for my needs. I love how that worked.
But, that is a one trick pony. With this method, the values on EVERY component instance will update together since the variable value is set at the component level.
What I would like to figure out…
Is if it is possible to do something where the variable value can be set AT THE INSTANCE level. So if I were to place an instance of the component in another file, I would like to be able to change the variable to a local variable…and not have it dependent upon the component.
I THINK what I want is to define the variable at the instance level and have it update the conditional statement to match.
This way, I could change it on all the fields individually at a local level.
My problem is the only way I see to do that would be to change the whole conditional statement to use a new local variable. 🤬 Might even have to detach to do that?
I am wondering if there is a way to make a variable sort of like a SLOT would work. SO that I could define the field value variable at the instance level in any new document, and NOT have to update the conditional statement.
Does that make sense? I feel like I am asking for a thing that might not exist.
NumericalInputStepper.fig (55.0 KB)