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Has anyone ever had a button instance resize in the prototype view on hover? I’m not seeing it on my computer, but two of my colleagues are having this issue.

Hi there, thanks for the post. Would you be able to share the environment where the issue is occurring such as OS, browser version and preview/present mode? I tired to reproduce on my end but it seems ok.



Hi, it was occurring on both Chrome and Safari. The browser was up to date as while sharing their screen we did spot it and asked them to update. It was in the present mode on these browsers from a share link I provided.



Hi Michael, thanks for the detail. I’m also trying to reproduce it on my ned both in the browser and Figma app but I couldn’t reproduce it (Attached).

If possible, could you share the screen recording of the buggy behavior?



Hi @y_toku,

This is it here. What I’ve found is still happening is that components in a library that is published to this file are not showing hovers right (resizing). While the components inside the file are fine.
