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I don’t know if that is a bug on component tools on Figma.

I think that you understand the problem when you see that image:

If i edit the text on a instance of component, the status=Hover don’t work.

I use trigger=While hovering as even.

That interaction is easy. I don’t understand.

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-26 a las 10.53.49

Can you help me please?

I couldn’t replicate your issue…

I thought it could be that maybe you hadn’t used a property for the text, but as long as the text in both variants is exactly the same, it works… And when I changed the text in the hover state, all that happened when hovering was that the text changed, but the underline still appeared.

Are the layers and layer names exactly the same between the variant states?

Sometimes your best shot is to redo the component…


I restarted the computer and it started working again.

