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I can see old post on this topic, but nothing recently, so I’m hoping good news might be out there.

I’m reluctantly switching from Jamboard as it’s about to be shut down. I’m an educator (with an education Figma account), but work with multiple organisations, as well as events where delegates are from different education providers.

The use-case I need is for my collaborative documents to be: ‘public’ and ‘anyone can edit’.

Jamboard and the other Google tools are brilliant for this. Google has pointed to Figma as Jamboard’s natural replacement.

If anyone can help me out, I’d be very grateful. Thank you.

Hey @Tony15, welcome to the community!

To cover some grounds, with an Education Figma account, you have access to the Professional plan features for free. You can find the available features within this plan here: Professional plan

As a reminder, if you want your collaborators to join your team on the Education plan, collaborators on an Education team can only edit files in the long term if they verify their education status first. Depending on how long you plan to give access, they only have 7 days without the need to verify their education status to continue accessing files and project in that team.

More information on Verify Education status.

From what I understand, you would like to collaborate with multiple organisations (who may or may not have an Education plan) within the same FigJam file (it has to be ‘public’ and ‘anyone can edit’). One workaround here is to use the feature: Invite visitors to an open session

Open sessions let you temporarily invite anyone to edit and interact with your FigJam files. This includes viewers and visitors without Figma accounts. You can use an open session to host public meetings, workshops, or feedback sessions with people who may not already have a FigJam account or be part of your team.

You can give anyone can edit access to a FigJam file for unlimited 24 hour periods. For more information, please check our guide:

Figma Learn - Help Center

I hope this clarifies. If you have any others questions, I’d be happy to help!

Can’t thank you enough, Celine, for the quick response.

I’m really trying to be independent, but feel I’m stuck at the second hurdle, and would be grateful for just one more bit of support please.

I believe my account has been upgraded to Education (thank you!) as I can now select ‘anyone can edit’. I’ve tried to follow the instructions you sent, but cannot see ‘Start open session’. I believe this is what I need in order for a student to contribute to a board without the need for logging in (essential for the type of teaching I do).

Image 1

(All four images are in this file:

The suggestion in your help file is to ‘move it into a team space’. For this, I’ve created a new team called ‘Public’, but ‘Start open session’ has not appeared.

I then tried creating a ‘Board’ instead of a ‘Jam’, but get the same share options:

See image 3

I’ve also tried sharing to Google Workspace, but as you can see from this image, users would need to log in to contribute…

See image 4

I’m sure I’m either missing a concept, or there’s a bug in my account privileges, but if you’re able to nudge me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated!

Thank you again,


Hey @Tony15 ,

Thanks for the details! I’ve checked in the backend, your ‘Public’ team is on Starter Plan, this is why the Open session is disabled.

Here are two workarounds that can help you to activate the Open session:

  • You can upgrade your ‘Public’ team. (When you upgrade an existing team, you must upgrade to the Professional plan then let Figma know you qualify for the Education plan.) You can follow the steps here:

Figma Learn - Help Center

  • Or, I see that "Tony’s team’ is already under the Professional plan, you can create an open session within this team.

Hope this helps!

Hi Celine

Spent the afternoon exploring and learning FigJam. Absolutely delighted to have not only found a Jamboard replacement, but something that’s way, way more.

Your feedback has enabled me to achieve my main aim (thank you!), but as I learn the new features, I can see I can also replace other technologies I use. For instance, Zoom’s voting and polls.

I use the heart stamp in Zoom for quick votes, but at the end of these, I can use ‘clear all feedback’ to delete everything in one go. I’ve spent an hour searching for how to do this in FigJam. I can delete a vote, but it leaves behind all of the heart stamps. Is there a way to do this please?

Hope this helps others too.

I can see many of the teachers I work with moving over to you!

Very best wishes


Hey @Tony15 ,

Thanks for your feedback on FigJam, appreciate it! Glad to hear you are exploring the feature. 😃 If you want to explore further, feel also free to check our guide:

Figma Learn - Help Center

Huge thanks again, Celine.

Thank you for the links. I had read the Voting Sessions one. It was the last line that I found a little ambiguous: ‘Click (Bin icon) to delete results for a voting session’. It would be great if this action deleted all of the stamps too - maybe using a call-out box option such as ‘Delete stamps too?’. Hopefully this could be added to the wish list.

Meanwhile, I’ll find a work-around for my use-case.

Wonderful that you get back to users so quickly! Thank you.

Very best

